God is more powerful than everything!


This event occurred on the eve of the feast of the Baptism of the Lord (Epiphany), in a remote Kazakh town. After a severe operation, in resuscitation was dying three years old Dasha. She could not breathe independently after three days of blood loss, so she was attached to the apparatus for artificial respiration. The relatives of the girl were in shock, and that is understandable – how could they reconcile themselves with the fact that the little child faded away in front of their eyes, like a candle.

Of all the numerous relatives, that regularly went to church was the aunt of Dasha, Love, who lived a thousand kilometers from her beloved niece in the Siberian town of Jugorsk. The news of Dasha, Ljuba received it at the end of the working day, and from that moment, the precious time of the earthly life, seems to have begun to move faster. First she has been taken by strong emotions, but Ljuba, a woman strong in character, was accustomed in her life to solve the difficult tasks alone. Therefore, the first thing she remembered in peace – the child to be baptized immediately. The Soul stands on the threshold of eternity, what could be more important? How she will stand before the Lord? It was unfortunate that Dasha’s mother had not been baptized herself, nor did she planned to baptize her daughter and she was saying to everyone that she was not ready for such a step. “In resuscitation, they will not release anyone” – told her by phone her native sister. But she heard a resolute answer: “God is more powerful than everything!” But how to achieve that plan, being hundreds of miles away from her beloved niece?

TSelebnye-svojstva-vody-na-Kreshhenie-900x598Two friends from childhood came to the aid of Ljuba, two Svetlanas, with whom she had always maintained the relationship. Immediately the sisters in Christ began to help her, asking for a priest, who would agree to urgently perform the Secret. It should be said that half a year before that event, in the same reanimating room died the father of one of the friends, and no matter how hard she tried, they did not allow him a priest. Fortunately, the Lord sent to the sick girl Father Constantine, a young priest with a red beard.

Arriving at the hospital, at the door they collided with the first “fight”. One of the friends stayed in the car, sincerely praying for Dashenka. Father Constantine and second Svetlana persistently insisted to let them in when the nurse for some reason asked Svetlana, “Are you the grandmother?” She had to say “Yes”, what to do? And that was successful! They were already boarding in the reanimation department, they were approaching the door and there … Father Konstantin and Svetlana saw at the door of the resuscitation hall, all distraught, on the verge of insanity, the mother of Dasha. Tanya recognized Svetlana but did not react, and all the time she murmured something all the time in the idleness, in terror expecting the “judgment.” The main nurse came towards the visitors and shouted with a scream  to Tatiana: “Do not let them to  baptize the child! Do not let the priest go to your daughter! He will baptize her, and the child will die!!!

“Father Constantine stood on the side and prayed. Unexpectedly, Svetlana resolutely rushed towards the main nurse, and almost repeating the intonation of her tone, repeated through her teeth: “Let the priest go to the girl! Let us baptize the child !!! “Nurse screamed something in response, but Svetlana did not diverged and insisted:” Let us baptize the child! “It was the same Svetlana, whose father died in the resuscitation without repentance and Communion. Probably, the memories that swam from that tragedy ‘have given strength to Svetlana, so persistently demanding to achieve the goal. And the sister waved aside with her hand – “Do whatever you want…”.

Not wasting a minute, Father Constantine went to the sick girl. Fulfilling his priestly duty, Father Constantine returned, amazed by what he saw. He recounted how Dasha, was connected to the apparatus for artificial respiration, did not breathe on her own, not moving, pressure 60/40, lying like a herb – a thin, white … And at that time Ljuba asked for prayer help everybody who could do it.. Orthodox groups in social networks, known and unknown brothers and sisters in Christ – all prayed with one breath, the numerous group prayer, took a joint common prayer, reading the Akathist to the icon of the Virgin “Skoroposlushnica” … and two hours after baptism, Dasha unexpectedly returned her breath, and the great surprise of the doctors, the girl breathed independently.

kreshhenie-rebenka-pravilaBut, nobody knew about that, the doctors were silent, God knows why. And in the morning Dasha woke up from a coma, become aware and immediately asked for toys, she asked to eat. It was a real baptismal miracle! When her father came to visit Dasha in the room, she said, as among other things: “Daddy, you know, a man with a beard and a large cross came to me. And he put me a little cross, too. Beside me stood still two white angels with wings! “No one could understand how a three-year old girl in a coma, could see what was happening to her!

Really – God is more powerful than everything!

It happened the night of 18/19 January 2017

According to the testimony of Love Kohala
Source: http://www.pppe.mk/2018/bog-e-posilen-od-se-vistinska-prikazna/

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