He who does not love his enemies, does not have God’s grace


There are people who wish their own enemies or the enemies of the Church to perish and to be tormented in the flames of hell. They think so because the Holy Spirit did not teach them the love of God, because whoever is taught of that love will shed tears for the whole world. You say that he is a criminal and that he should burn in the flames of hell. But I ask you: if God gives you a good place in heaven, and you see in the fire the one whom you wished to burn in torment, will not you be sorry for him, whoever he is, even if he is an enemy of the Church? Or you have an iron heart? But in heaven the iron is not necessary. There is need of humility and love of Christ that pities everyone. He who does not love his enemies, does not have the grace of God.

Elder Silouan of Athos

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