The most important thing is where the will of man is directed


Lord in the sacrament of the Eucharist gives Himself to us. He is our birth, Christ is our Pascha. The most important thing is where the will of man is directed, what do you want yourself? Do you want to be born for the spiritual world? Lord knocks on the doors of every soul. He calls us in the temple. He wants to save us. He gives us everything for our life, and not so much for the earthly one, as for the eternal life. He allows us suffering, so that we can think about what will happen in the next life. The disease – that is a reminder to pray and prepare for the communion. Sometimes we are so busy that it seems that we cannot even think of God. And then we got sick – and we immediately remembered. Or suddenly the war started- and people are in queues in the temples. So, whenever we have any problems. It’s not terrible with God. God helps.

Shiarhimandrit Elijah (Nozdrin)

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