Repentance is the renewal of baptism


Repentance is the renewal of baptism. Repentance is a covenant with God that a new life will be led. Repentance is a source of humility. Repentance is the irrevocable renunciation of any desire for bodily comfort. Repentance is a self-judgmental thought and self-care  without concern about external things. Repentance is the daughter of the hope and renunciation of the hopelessness. The penitent is a prisoner who is not devoid of honour. Repentance is the purification of conscience. It is the voluntary endurance of all afflictions. The penitent is a man who himself pronounces a punishment …

A sign of the caring repentance is that one considers himself meritorious of the visible and the invisible trouble that has come upon him, and even for something more difficult than that.

St. John of the Ladder

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