Purification of the temple and Holy Liturgy in the church of St. Demetrius of Solun in Springvale


On June 3, 2020, when the memory of the holy equal kings Constantine and Helena is celebrated, with the blessing of His Eminence the Metropolitan of Prespa and Pelagonija and the Administrator of Australia-New Zealand Mr. Peter, with the concelebration of the Hierarch’s Deputy Abbot Nikodim, Archpriest Mirko Peshovski and Archpriest Mile Taleski, the act of cleansing of the Church of St. Dimitrij of Solun in Springvale was performed, after which the Holy Divine Liturgy was celebrated.

The Church of St. Dimitrij of Solun in Springvale, on November 8, 2019, was desecrated by the intrusion of the deposed priest Gligor Kiselinov. The usurpation of the church was done by the violent group led by Stevo Krstevski, for which, but also due to many other proven serious offenses and abuses, the Judgment of the Diocesan Church Court deprived them of the right to join the Church-municipal bodies.

More than a year ago, the same group opened a civil court against the MOCC St. Dimitrij of Solun with the intention to annul the Church Rule book and to personally accuse the members of the church board. Their accusations before the Supreme Court of Victoria proved to be unfounded and unacceptable, so Stevo Krstevski’s group, after a year of hostage-taking and the violent usurpation of the church, undertook before the Supreme Court to hand over all the keys to the canonical and legal church-municipal bodies, and in the future not to hinder their work and the church life of the Church Municipality in general. Any breach of the signed agreement will be sanctioned by the Supreme Court and the State Authorities of Victoria.


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